Back From The Boreal Snowshoe Expedition

I just returned from our 14-day Boreal Snowshoe Expedition. It was a fantastic trip with the best weather I’ve ever had when out for more than a week in the winter. Constant cold, clear skies, and one big snowstorm. Most importantly, there was no thaw, that bit of winter weather I dislike the most when on the trail.

Today I’m spending the day drying and putting away gear. I just hung up our tents and have them drying, and before I’m done I’ll wash all the pots in the wannigan.

On day 10, one of the guys on the trip shot the video below (scroll down). It will give you an idea of how we live and stay comfortable when out for multiple weeks below zero. Also visit our photo gallery for images from the expedition.

I don’t have a lot of down time after this trip, as I’m heading south in the next day or so for a short family vacation, then to canoe in the Florida Everglades for a week. I’m packing tonight and driving south with a canoe tomorrow. I’m bringing my laptop and will be posting from the road.

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  • Wonderful trip. I would like your take on snowshoes. Do you bring one pair? Choose a pair based on potential conditions? thanks. would love to join you one day.

  • Hi David. Thanks for the comment. I just bring one pair. As for choosing them, My advice has always been to get the largest size you can walk normally with. By normally, I mean not bowlegged. There are a variety of shapes available, and each evolved in a specific region with their specific snow conditions. I like the Maine or Michigan style, but that’s my personal preference.
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