Crafting As A Necessity For Self Reliance | JMBP-E025

Making A Basket

Tim, Ben and Christopher talk about crafting as a necessity for a self-reliant lifestyle. They discuss the importance of making things and touch on three reasons why craft matters: freedom from consumerism, deep knowledge and appreciation of the land, and confidence that you can make what you need.

Recorded in the middle of week 3 of the fall, 2017 Wilderness Bushcraft Semester, they also discuss how the terms bushcraft, woodcraft, etc., are semantics for how city people describe a simple, rural life, how the term BCE (Before Common Era) can also be used to express Before Consumerist Era, and how as a guide it’s important to be able to make unpopular decisions in order to keep people safe.


PHOTO: Weaving a brown ash basket.

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