Dick Proenneke’s Advice To A Young Man About Living In The Wilderness

envelope of a letter from Dick Proenneke, from 1996

Maybe you’ve read Dick Proenneke’s books, or maybe you’ve seen his video “Alone In The Wilderness”. He built a cabin in Twin Lakes, Alaska, when he was in his early 50’s, and lived there until his 90’s. Wrote a book, published a video after he passed, and was generally an inspiration to a bunch of young people.

When I lived in Alaska in the 1990s, he was a friend of a friend. I wrote him a letter. He wrote me back, with advice for a young man wanting to live in the bush. I still have the hard copy of the letter. If you make it to Masardis, Maine, I’ll be happy to show it to you. Here it is scanned, so you can read it now.

Download it here. Or go to https://jackmtn.com/PDF/RL_Proenneke_letter.pdf


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