Internship Assessment Idea

I do a lot of reading and came across something on how old-time farm internships worked in the book “The New Organic Grower” by Elliot Coleman, on page 5;

“The student received room and board but was expected to pay the farmer a monthly fee for the first three months. After three months, if the student was a competent worker, the farmer returned that same fee every month as a salary for the second three months. That way, if the student was shiftless and soon departed, the farmer would be paid for his trouble. However, the student who persevered and worked hard would receive six months of thorough training at no cost. Given the price of a college education, the system sounds pretty good.”

I liked the idea enough to pass it along to you. This, or something like it, will likely be how we run future internships and work-study programs.

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