The Maine Guide Medic WFR Course | JMB Podcast 121

Scenic view of Allagash Falls

For episode 121 of the Jack Mountain Bushcraft Podcast I was joined again by Rick Swain and Oz and we discussed current events on the Wilderness Canoe Expedition Semester which we are currently teaching. We discuss the challenges as an instructor in building a student’s confidence as well as their hard skills. After a few minutes of this we get into talking about the Maine Guide Medic wilderness first responder course we’re offering this fall. Much of the discussion was around why we’re offering this course and how it will be different from a standard wilderness first responder course. In a nutshell, we’re going to spend a lot of time on the wilderness part of the wilderness first responder, through skill building as well as several overnight scenarios.

Photo: Looking upstream at Allagash Falls from a few years ago.

Show Notes: JMB Podcast Episode 121 | The Maine Guide Medic WFR Course

There is no profanity in this episode.


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