New Distinction: Wilderness Guide Quality Endorsement From MWGO

Acknowledgement of achievement by your peers and people who understand what you do feels more impactful than acknowledgement from strangers. We’ve been placed on numerous lists over the years regarding the best survival schools in America, etc., and it always feels good to be included with the industry leaders. Recently we were awarded the Wilderness Guide Quality Endorsement from the Maine Wilderness Guides Organization (of which we’re a life member). Unlike distinctions given by professional writers who get their information from a search engine (many of those list-type articles are based on search engine ranking), this one is about what we do from people who know and understand. As such, it feels good.

We’re proud of what we do and what we’ve achieved over the years, and we’re far from done. This month we’ll be announcing the particulars of our partnership and articulation agreement with the University of Maine at Presque Isle, which will add another level of distinction to the work we do. Stay tuned.

About the MWGO Wilderness Guide Quality Endorsement (from the MWGO site):

In an effort to maintain high guiding standards and to encourage professional guides to continually strive to improve their skills, the Maine Wilderness Guides Organization (MWGO) has created the Maine Wilderness Guides Quality Endorsement Program. The standards to be met to receive the Maine Wilderness Guides Quality Endorsement are higher than the State of Maine standards, but are standards that most professional guides would want to achieve and maintain.


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Maine Wilderness Guides Organization Quality Endorsement Award

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