Quebec Canoe And Bushcraft Trip Full And Yellow Jackets In The Garden

Our canoe and bushcraft trip with David and Anna Bosum in Quebec is just a few days away, so getting a phone call from one of the participants saying they couldn’t go because of a medical issue wasn’t what I was looking forward to hearing, especially after having another late cancellation.  But last night I got a call and the trip is now filled up.  It’s funny how these things happen sometimes.

I’ve been busy putting a gravel floor in our new cook house and weeding the garden.  Yesterday I was working around some tomato plants when I felt something on my leg.  Then something on my shirt, then on my foot.  Yellow Jackets!  I quickly retreated to safer ground, but not before being stung 4 times.  They’ve made a ground nest in our garden amongst the tomatoes, so now I need to figure out how to get rid of them without using chemicals, gasoline or pesticides.  After looking on the web I found a few things that might work, so tonight I’m going to give two of them a try.  If they work, I’ll post the how-to info.

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