50 days of pemmican-only diet for 2 consecutive snowshoe expeditions. Just spent 2 weeks with Jerrel Friesen. He's doing a diet experiment this winter of 50 consecutive days eating pemmican as he snowshoes across Maine and Minnesota. More info, and his recipe, at:? Embedded Link Pemmican Preparing for 50 days of Pemmican by Jarell Friesen [...]
February 2014

I just returned from our 14-day Boreal Snowshoe Expedition. It was a fantastic trip with the best weather I’ve ever had when out for more than a week in the winter. Constant cold, clear skies, and one big snowstorm. Most importantly, there was no thaw, that bit of winter weather I dislike the most when [...]
See how we did it for 14 days in sub-zero temperatures. ? View this post on Google+

Highlights: We’re starting February with the School Of The Forest on the first of the month. When the class is over, we’re loading up the truck with sleds, tents, stoves and other gear and heading to the county for the Boreal Snowshoe Expedition. We’ll be in the woods for 2 weeks. When the course ends, [...]

We’re running the February School Of The Forest class on Saturday, February first. We’ve added the class handouts to the SOTF page. Click on course date from the yellow box on the left to download a pdf about that day. For the February first class, you can also get the information sheet by clicking this [...]