Time is flying by! TV crew here today and tomorrow filming a cooking show. It's going to be a lot of fun!? View this post on Google+
May 2014

Photo: Snow at the field school in late April. Highlights: Since April 20 and until June 21 we’re busy with the spring Wilderness Bushcraft Semester. It’s been a great course so far, but not without it’s weather-imposed challenges. When we started the snowpack on our road was waist deep! But things have warmed up and [...]
Three weeks of the spring bushcraft semester finished. Time is flying and the weather is getting nice!#jmblog? Three Weeks Of The Spring Wilderness Bushcraft Semester Finished We’re three weeks into the spring semester. It was a challenging start, with our road being covered with several feet of snow and us unable to drive in for [...]

We’re three weeks into the spring semester. It was a challenging start, with our road being covered with several feet of snow and us unable to drive in for the first two weeks. It meant a lot of trips hauling gear in on sleds for the 3/4 of a mile to the paved road. Also, [...]