January 2021

In this episode, we chat with Jenna Rozelle. Jenna is a  homesteader, professional forager, and member of Back Country Hunters and Anglers. Through all of her work she aims to bring people to a place of greater understanding about the ecosystems they inhabit, and as we discuss in the podcast, brings a sense of art [...]

I’m about halfway through the book Course Design Formula by Rebecca Frost Cuevas. So far I’ve really enjoyed it and learned a lot about putting together a well-designed course, how teaching online is different than teaching in person, and a whole bunch more. Why am I reading this book? Because we’re going to be adding [...]

December 27th in the evening I had a little bit of a scratchy throat. I woke up on the 28th with zero energy. I stayed in bed, not doing anything and getting weaker, until January 8th. That night I went out for a covid test and tested positive. They told me to go to the [...]

Today I received this custom wool-lined canvas vest from my good friend Blake Towsley. Blake has been making gear for the staff at JMB and SOTF for years, and in the last few months has started up a business making all manner of custom outdoor gear. A lot of the gear I use day to [...]

I’m excited to start this year’s series of podcasts with a conversation with my friend Arthur Davis, director of the Urine Nutrient Reclamation Project at the Rich Earth Institute and coordinator of Rich Earth’s new festival toilet business. Rich Earth uses human urine to create sustainable fertilizer for farmers. Long time listeners will have heard [...]

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