24th Wilderness Bushcraft Semester Completed

Early November is a great time to be in northern New England. Everyone I’ve ever asked agrees that it’s beautiful, but to me it also means that our fall Wilderness Bushcraft Semester course is complete, the bugs are gone until spring, and I get to spend some time at home.

But that doesn’t mean I’ll be sitting around. We’ve got a busy schedule of folk school programs running between now and the holidays, and this weekend is the Snow Walker’s Rendezvous, where I’ll be teaching two workshops and giving a talk on outdoor education titled “Beyond Wallpaper: Immersion Education And Primal Learning.” I’m working on it this week, and when it’s done you’ll be able to hear it here as a podcast.

This year was the least I’ve ever posted during a semester course. Things were busy from sunup until after sundown, and as those of you who have been on one of our semester courses will attest, when things get busy there’s little time for anything else. But it was all good, and now is a good time to catch up on posting.


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  • Nikki Calhoun

    Looking forward to listening to your podcast and learning what you mean by “primal learning.”

  • The short definition is that primal, or prime, shares the same root as primitive; first or original.

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