400 Miles From The St. Lawrence To Penobscot Bay By Canoe

I came across a great trip journal of two guys who paddled-poled-sailed solo canoes 400 miles along an old route from the St. Lawrence River, across Quebec, New Brunswick and Maine to the Atlantic Ocean in Penobscot Bay. It’s a great story of an amazing journey. Read it here. From their description:

Welcome to my journal of a month-long, 400 mile canoe trip from sea level in Quebec, up through uplands of Maine and back to sea level in Penobscot Bay. Sorry, I couldn’t resist adding long-loading images to the pages, but I still enjoy gazing at the details. You can click through the days, one at a time. To return to a previous day, return to this calendar and click on the date you want to read. At any time, you can click on the [Route] link and bring up a small pop-up window with a map of the route. Enjoy! – Matt Hopkinson

Their route took them right by our new place on the Aroostook River. You can read more of their adventures at their Voodoo Canoe! site.

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