April 2014 News

Sunset on a chickee in the Everglades.

Sunset on a chickee in the Everglades. Camp for the night.

Upon returning from the Boreal Snowshoe Expedition in mid-February, I immediately started packing for the trip south. My departure was delayed by several snow storms, but I made it to Florida and my wife, kids and I had family vacation, after which I had a relaxing paddling trip in the Everglades. Upon getting back to New Hampshire in mid-March, spring still had not made it this far north. We had winter temperatures (single digits F at night) right up until the end of last week. It’s only been the past two days where I’ve seen any liquid water outside. I’ve been busy with office work, but I’m starting to see the light at the end of that tunnel.

I’ve been doing a lot of writing and planning, but no publishing on the blog until today. With a month-long hiatus I’ve now got a backlog of things to share so will probably be publishing a lot before the spring Wilderness Bushcraft Semester starts in a few weeks.

My only newsworthy announcement for this post is that I’ve created a new archives page. (Man, I bet you’re excited now!) We lost the old one when we upgraded our theme. Anyway, it’s back and you can check it out here, or click the link in the menu at the top of the page.

Coming Up:


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  • Matt Galvin

    Looking forward to the Spring myself. I have the Everglades on my paddle wish list also. Looks fun.

  • It was my fourth paddling trip in the Everglades and won’t be my last. A fantastic late-winter paddling getaway.

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