Edible Plant Workshop Series Update

I’ve set the time and location for the first of our 3-part edible wild plant workshop series.  Session 1 (June 30) will run from 12-3 and will meet at 267 Camp School Road in Wolfeboro, NH. Plan to arrive between 11:30 and 12:00. We will be exploring the nearby woods and fields.  If your main interest is in cattails, we’ll be working with them during session 2.

Participants should download, print and bring a copy of our book First Person Ecology. Printed copies are available as well. To record the plants we cover, we recommend either a small dry erase board and a digital camera to photograph the plants with the name included in the image, or clear contact paper and note cards to press specimens. Also bring a water bottle, snacks, rain gear, etc., and whatever you need to be comfortable.

More on the edible plant walk series is on our site at Wild Food Walks.

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