Expedition Behavior & Leadership | JMB Podcast Episode 49

Episode 49 of the Jack Mountain Bushcraft Podcast is all about expedition behavior and leadership. Expedition behavior is outdoor education-speak for working as a team. On a chilly Saturday morning in the Guide Shack Tim, Christopher and Colin were joined by Blake Towsley for a discussion on good and bad leadership and how leadership skills are learned.

PHOTO: Cold morning in the Guide Shack.


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  • Missy

    I’m interested (actually interested is an understatement as it is my “hearts desire”) to learn all I can about being/co-existing in the outdoors, leadership and living in and with nature to become the next chapter in my life story. There is so much more I would share…HOWEVER I can’t get past the alcohol references. I was hoping to tune in an learn as well as take classes with Jack Mountain…yet I don’t believe this would be the organization for me. Too bad.
    I get it…to each his own and you’re all chatting and joking around…but I believe that alcohol and leadership do not mix. Especially if you are quoting that you can learn leadership by example. I agree that ego needs to be removed from leadership…and the best leader is the quiet one that is the cheerleader for everyone else in the group, yet with the wisdom and knowlege to provide guidance for the betterment of the group. Anyway…glad I had a chance to listen however I’ll continue my search for the right group for me. Thanks.

  • Thanks for the comment Missy.

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