Filming, Day 4

The weather shifted yesterday, with an inch of so of rain falling in the afternoon.  The front came through last night, and now we’ve got sun along with high winds rushing to fill in the low pressure system as it moves out over the Atlantic.  I haven’t been into the woods yet this morning, but the snow is sure to have compacted significantly, making getting around a lot easier.  This is good because we’ll be filming in the woods for most of the day and night.  The wind blew most of the night, which is good because firelighting is much simpler with dry materials.

I learned that one of the guys with the production crew is the great grandson of Mina Hubbard, who is famous for exploring the wilds of Labrador.  We’re talking about putting together an expedition retracing her route and making a documentary about it, but at this stage it’s just talk.  I’ll be researching the route and putting together a few possible itineraries anyway, though.

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