Gear Review: The Windpouncer Jacket

The Windpouncer jacket is the premiere wind and rain layering system jacket I’ve ever encountered.  Three layers of ultra-thin imagi-foam stand between you and the elements ensuring you stay warm and dry, and your hands are sure to be warm in two large slash pockets lined with their proprietary “cold-be-gone” spun polyester…

OK, this is a completely fake review, and the reason why most outdoor blogs suck.  They try to be important by talking endlessly about gear.  Maybe I’m in the minority, but I’m not that interested in reading about your gear.  I’m interested in reading about what you do and what you think, not what you’ve got.

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  • Ben

    Loving your daily blogs Tim – Give me a good giggle every day! You’re so cynical we should make you an honorary Brit!

  • Thanks Ben. I call them like I see them. Hope all is well across the pond.

  • Shannon Reese

    It’s fetishism and it’s unhealthy. I get really frustrated when I find a trip report for somewhere I plan to go and instead of helpfull information it’s full of egotistical rambling about the “awesome” Platypuss 5000 turbo with a compass on the drinking tube that plays moon river when you fill it. I just want to know where the good water is. Anyway, thanks for all the work you do Tim, I hope to be able to take one of your courses some day.

  • Thanks Shannon. I agree. Outdoor living should be about living outdoors, not the stuff we bring with us.

  • Right behind you here Tim. Marketing? Psychology? Don’t know for sure but I know it’s something that really annoys me.

    Having said that, this “cold-be-gone” spun polyester sounds great – tell me more!

  • Thanks for the support, Nick. The “cold be gone” would be warm, but probably too flammable. There’s still probably a business opportunity in it for someone, somewhere, though.

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