Halfway Day, Spring ’21

Today is halfway day on the spring semester; Four and a half weeks done, four and a half weeks to go. Life is returning to the land as the warmer days are filled with birdsong and the buzz of insects. The leaves are coming out, and we’ll have fresh fiddleheads to eat any day now to go along with the mountains of wild greens from the fields.

Camp life is so far removed from the outside world I often feel like I’m on a different planet than the one I hear about on the radio while I sip coffee in the early morning. I’m grateful for the place, and that we are able to focus on helping people achieve their goals and get better. I’m grateful that at least once a day I have to stop and take in the natural beauty of the land. I’m grateful to still be above ground, alive and kicking and feeling strong.

Let’s hope the second half of the semester goes as smoothly as the first.


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