If You Are Interested In Giving An Experience To Someone

This time of year we’re bombarded with ads about getting someone the perfect gift. A smaller subset of those ads suggest that we give an experience rather than a tangible item. If you are looking for that gift for the outdoors-person, consider joining us in February for an immersion experience in Cree culture with our friends David and Anna Bosum.

We spend the week learning the ways the Cree have lived on their ancestral lands for thousands of years. If you are a student of bushcraft, survival, primitive skills or traditional cultures, this can be a life-changing experience. To go out on the land with them is to experience a different way of being in the world. I’ve been going and organizing trips for 22 years. It is an authentic experience learning about the culture and way of life of one of the last hunting cultures in this part of the world.

So if you’re looking for a weeklong exit from the modern world and want to experience a traditional culture in their native land and learn skills that allowed them to thrive in subarctic winter condintions, consider this trip. As of this writing, there are 5 spots remaining.

For more info on the trip, click here, or go to:


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