JMB Podcast 126 | The Mental Game Of Long-Term Wilderness Living

Lower canyons, Rio Grande, poling a canoe

On episode 126 of the JMB Podcast, Oz and Tim discuss the mental game of long-term wilderness living skills. To be successful on long-term programs, self-discipline is a prerequisite. Putting the daily work first buys you a moment here and there where you can appreciate where you are and what you’re doing. But the romantic notions of being alone with your thoughts and ruminating while sitting quietly and observing the natural world all day are not representative of the actual experience. It is a lot of daily work. Without self-discipline you start to fall behind. And the comforts of modern life, which are so common in our culture, make it harder. So the point we arrive at is that stepping into an active wilderness lifestyle is harder for modern people than it was for past generations. And our reliance on technology makes it even harder. It is an active life in the woods. And action is the antidote to anxiety. It was a wide-ranging discussion and we covered a lot of ground. I hope you enjoy it.

Photo: Poling a canoe on the lower canyons of the Rio Grande, along the Texas and Mexico border.

Show Notes: JMB Podcast Episode 126

There is no profanity in this episode.


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