New JMB Blog Feature: Updates

I’ve been playing around with a new kind of blog post for a few months now. I’m calling them updates, and they are short bits and photos that aren’t complete ideas. They’re the type of thing that end up on social media sites, but as I’ve always had a healthy distrust of social media I wanted to host them on our blog where they wouldn’t be subject to the changing winds of the social middlemen and their quest to mine our data.

Updates are in a separate category, so they don’t end up with the regular blog posts in the archives. 

To find them, you can see the latest one on the main page of this blog.  To read more you can click on Updates at the top of the page, or you can follow this link.

For more on why I don’t trust social media and the motivation behind it, check out this article on Digital Sharecropping by Sonia Simone.

Announcements, Blog

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  • kristi Cahill

    LOVE getting the blog posts!!! Keep them coming, I find all the info very interesting, learn a lot. What an awesome place you’ve got there!! So glad Jack found you and gets to experience all that Jack Mountain has to offer. I wish I could go with on the Cree trip! jealous, wish I could have gone to your cooking demo the other night.
    Kris Cahill

  • Thanks Kris. Looking forward to having Jack come north with us!

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