Starting Week 10 Of The Earth Skills Semester Program

This is the last weekend of this fall’s Earth Skills Semester Program, so it wasn’t much of a break. Everyone is busy working on projects, from scraping a moose hide to weaving pack baskets to tillering bows, as well as putting together our video from week nine. It will remain busy right up through Friday, our last day. In some ways, ten weeks seems like a lifetime, but in others it goes by in the blink of an eye. As we’re nearing the end, everyone is feeling more blink than lifetime.

This afternoon some of the students and I went out in the woods and did a little shooting. We brought two rifles, a .22 and a .30-06, and everyone had fun shooting at paper plates we stuck onto an old stump. Both of the rifles have open iron sights, so it can be challenging to hit the bullseye, especially if you’re not used to shooting with them.

It was a perfect fall day, with cool temperatures in the low 50’s, a strong northwest wind blowing the remaining leaves off of the trees, and a sunny sky with cumulus clouds. Just the type of day you imagine when you think of fall.

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