Thanksgiving Cranberries

Out for a walk on the land today, enjoying some solo time and the luxury of wandering with a camera. We’re supposed to get a storm over the next few days, and something tells me the snow will stick until April or May, so this was my last fall day to enjoy the weather and the beauty it puts on display.

The photo shows my Thanksgiving cranberries. These are of the highbush variety, also known as Viburnum trilobum. There are still a bunch of them out, and they are about the only red-colored item on the landscape except for a few apples that are stubbornly hanging on. This is when highbush cranberries are at their best; after a bunch of frosts, when it’s cold, and they are starting to wilt a little. It’s my favorite time for them, anyway.

I hope you and yours are enjoying the holiday and giving thanks in your own way.

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