Woodsman Course Wrap-Up

After a busy week we finished the Woodsman course yesterday. The weather was fantastic the whole week; one rainy morning, but otherwise sun and warm days with cool nights in the 40’s. We had a bunch of animals come through camp, from deer and moose to the snowshoe hare’s who are hopping around the field and growing into maturity. The fishing has continued to be solid, and today we’re headed out to river just east of here where the trout are hitting every dry fly in sight.

One highlight from the course were the knives we made; traditional crooked knives as well as two miniature draw knives. The food highlight, in addition to all the fantastic sourdough biscuits and pizzas cooked in the reflector oven, was the pork shoulder cooked in the sun oven. I put it in at 10 am under a cloudless sky, and it cooked until 4 with temperatures ranging from 270 to 325. It was great, and everyone was excited that it was just sunlight that did the cooking.

Today is a day of rest and fishing, and tomorrow we start the Bushman course.

The photo above is of me poling the 20′ on Chase Pond in May.



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