Snubbing Little Falls on the St. Croix (downeast) during the fall, 2016 Wilderness Bushcraft Semester.

Snubbing Little Falls on the St. Croix (downeast) during the fall, 2016 Wilderness Bushcraft Semester.
Paddling amongst the whitecaps with a brisk tailwind. Paddling in strong tailwinds is a seldom-used skill. As the waves increase in size they want to spin you. If you get spun it’s easy for the waves to swamp you. These guys had just come around the point into calm water. We hugged the shore for the [...]
A remnant of the log driving days, this stream was straightened and made deeper with explosives back in the day to facilitate floating logs downstream. It’s way off the beaten path of well-used canoe routes, but it and the pond above are among my favorite places in northern Maine. I’ve always loved getting out and [...]
Coffee before sunrise on a recent trip. It always seems to take longer to boil when you're standing around watching it.
Lining into a pool, Kicking Horse Pass on the Bonaventure river, Quebec.
Coffee And Water. Making coffee and disinfecting drinking water on the trail.
Paddling past Maine's highest point, Mt. Katahdin, on a recent trip.
Lining on the St. Croix river, downeast.
Water break on the St. Croix river. Wilderness Bushcraft Semester, fall 2016.
This afternoon I'm recreating my classic roles of Ken and Justin Bieber. Playing with my daughter, good to be home.
Gift from my friend George. The people who come through our programs always impress me. Solid people I'm fortunate to work with.
Empty field. Long term course number 37 completed and it was a great one. Next up, family time.
Congrats to Maine's newest registered fishing guide, professor Paul Sveum! Fish are scared tonight.
Improvised tumpline for a canoe barrel made from rope and nylon webbing. Leaving for our final WBS trip today.
Making maps this morning using a compass. This is the glue that ties our navigation exercises together.
Field school pond and field, guide shack on the left.
Sunrise over the greenhouse. Hard frosts and falling leaves, autumn in the happy valley.
New winter shelter coming together. A big cone.
Wilderness Bushcraft Semester back from a succesful trip on the St. Croix river. Maine's boundary waters.