Jerell Friesen's article on living in the winter bush for 38 days eating nothing but pemmican on the JMB blog.? 38 Days Of Pemmican – Ketosis In The Winter Bush This guest post is by Jerell Friesen, pictured in the photo above adjusting an improvised snowshoe during the 38 days described in the post. You [...]
June 2014

This guest post is by Jerell Friesen, pictured in the photo above adjusting an improvised snowshoe during the 38 days described in the post. You can download a pdf with graphics by clicking here. What I Did: During the 38 day period between February 2nd and March 8th 2013 I dedicated myself to a two [...]
by Fred GeorgekishI've been looking for this book for ten years after seeing it once. No luck. If you've got it, and would let me photocopy it, I'd gladly pay postage and treat it with the utmost care:? Iiyiyuu Miichiwaahp-h =: Traditional architecture of the Wemindji Cree: Fred Georgekish: 9780969986201: Books Iiyiyuu Miichiwaahp-h =: [...]
Ordered a second copy of 'Making The Attikamek Snowshoe' for the field school library. If you're interested in snowshoes and native culture, it's a must read.? Making The Attikamek Snowshoe ;176 pages, 255 photos The art of making the elegant ”square-toe” snowshoe of the Attikamek Indians ; the complete process including frame construction, plain and [...]

Note: This is the first in a series of guest posts by our senior instructor Paul Sveum. There was a TV commercial I saw last winter while I was out in Montana that I thought of today as we are set to begin our 2014 Spring Wilderness Bushcraft Semester. The scene opened with a happy [...]
Our new 10'x20' cabin, to be a library and student study area, is complete. Insulated and finished inside. Will be delivered in a few days. ? View this post on Google+

Wall tents are great portable homes. In this video Paul Sveum shows how he builds a platform and knee wall to make living in one that much more comfortable.

Photo: Rocket stoves at dusk. Highlights: These are the long, busy days of June. We had a great month and now the wild edibles are really beginning to pop and the fishing is getting good. We’ve got a bunch of garden beds in this year, as well as a variety of fruit trees. The field [...]

Recorded in the Guide Shack at the field school, join Tim Smith, Paul Sveum and Shawn Sprague as they talk about the Jack Mountain Bushcraft School certifications. Learn what they are, why they exist, where they came from and what they can do for you. iTunes Link | Play, Download Or Subscribe In iTunes Stitcher [...]
The Survival Show I Want To See: I keep waiting for a high-stakes, high-drama tv survival show starring puppets that's also a musical. Now THAT would be something.? View this post on Google+
Teaching assistant positions: new format and requirements. Adding a research component. ? Teaching Assistant Internships – Jack Mountain Bushcraft School Teaching assistant positions are open to graduates of our Earth skills programs and are a good option for those looking to learn advanced bushcraft and teaching skills. View this post on Google+