July 2019

crossing headwater lakes in a canoe

Episode 73 of the Jack Mountain Bushcraft podcast was recorded in the Guide Shack on Saturday, July 27th immediately following the Riverman canoe expedition skills course. I was joined by Brian Manning, Darrin Baird and Blake Towsley, and we discussed the course, learning traditional canoe skills and why they matter in the modern world. PHOTO: [...]

Smudge Pot

smudge pot

Smudge pots are a way of life at the field school in June and July. Take a metal coffee can, punch a few holes in it, attach a piece of chain to the rim and keep a small, smoky fire going. The smoke keeps the bugs at bay. It’s getting harder to find a metal [...]

Pipes On The Trail

I’m not a habitual smoker, but on expeditions I do enjoy the occasional pipe. There’s a great heritage involved, a kinship with the voyageurs, not to mention the smoke keeps the bugs away from your face. In this photo we were on the Gaspe peninsula in Quebec, an arm of land that juts out into [...]

Life at the field school is a chance to see what living with low infrastructure looks like in practice. This provides students with an opportunity to get insight into our systems and how, when they’re managed well, life is pretty easy. However, those systems require careful management in order to function properly. The property is [...]

I’m happy to announce that we’ve just awarded three new Journeyman Certifications. Congratulations to Anthony Damiano, Max Lawrence and Jeremy Marcotte. It requires a mountain of work, dedication and documentation to achieve the Journeyman Certification. Each of these men have done the work. You have earned our respect and the certification that goes along with [...]

I’ve been adding information to the Brushfire Rendezous page. Coming in October (10/11-10/13), Brushfire is a 3-day rendezvous celebrating a life close to the land in northern Maine. Not an instructional course, it will be more of gathering of like minds and shared interests. I’ve changed the pricing structure to $45 for the 3 days [...]

Very few people who play sports will become professional athletes. But in addition to the obvious physical benefits of playing sports, we learn other things that are applicable and valuable off the field. It’s the same with bushcraft and survival training. As this field continues to grow exponentially, it’s important to remember that not everyone [...]

cooking in the reflector oven

While we were out on our final trip of the spring semester the Jack Mountain Bushcraft Podcast passed a big milestone; 100,000 downloads. I’m not one to study the statistics or demographics and stress over getting more listeners. I never have been. But I’m excited that so many people are interested in what we’re doing. [...]

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