Fall Bushcraft Semester Preview

The 2008 fall bushcraft semester will be our 12th semester course, and the first one to run from start to finish at our new location in northern Maine on the banks of the Aroostook river. We’ve put together a schedule that takes advantage of our new location, with lots of time spent living and traveling along the waterways in the bush.

The general outline of the fall semester is as follows:

  • Week 1: Bushcraft Immersion And Edible Wild Plants
  • Week 2: Expedition Canoeing Skills, Fly Fishing And Squa Pan Lake Trip
  • Week 3: Paddle Making and Aroostook River Poling Trip
  • Week 4: Pack Baskets And Advanced Bushcraft
  • Week 5: Canoe Expedition And Guide Training Course
  • Week 6: Canoe Expedition And Guide Training Course
  • Week 7: Wood Longbows And Bushcraft
  • Week 8: Modern And Primitive Traps And Trapping
  • Week 9: Winter Gear – Mukluks, Sleds, Wall Tents And Woods Stoves
  • Week 10: Review, Independent Projects, Practical Exam

Each week can be taken as an independent, week-long course, except for weeks 5 and 6 which which must be taken together because we’ll be traveling on a remote river.  For more on this, read about our part time semester programs.

Throughout the entire course we spend all-day, every day on bushcraft, nature knowledge, guide training, and related fields. As such, this outline doesn’t do an adequate job of describing the program, but rather just where we’ll be and what big projects we’re up to on a given week. To get a better idea of the program as a whole, and more specifically the instructional content, check out our Student Handbook.

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Life Member – Maine Wilderness Guides Organization
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