Simple Pie Crust Recipe

Yesterday a friend stopped by who had just come into possession of a bunch of blackberries. She was thinking about making a pie with them, but was put off by the idea of making a pie crust. She’s not alone. Making pie crusts ranks up there with public speaking on people’s list of fears. I assured her that it isn’t that hard, then gave her the recipe I’ve used in the bush countless times. It’s simple, tastes great, and you don’t need a rolling pin. Here it is:

1 cup of flour
1 stick of butter
2 tablespoons sugar

Soften the butter, then mix the ingredients together. Put the resulting ball of dough into a pie tin (a 9 inch tin works well) and press it out until the dough fills and covers the tin. Then add your filling and bake it.

This recipe is featured in my upcoming book Bush Cookery. If you use it let me know how it turns out.


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