Route for Spring Bushcraft Canoe Expedition Semester Set

Now that our winter programs are completed, I’m turning my attention to the spring canoe expedition semester. The course lasts 28 days. The first 2 are spent in camp planning, provisioning, packing and preparing gear. Then it’s off to run the length of our home river, the Aroostook. We’ve got an optional leg of the journey planned to pole upstream to remote Millimagassett lake. Whether we take it depends on the water levels this spring.

After floating back to the field school, we’ll take a 2 day break before departing for Chamberlain Lake on at the headwaters of the Allagash. Our plan is to paddle the length of Chamberlain before poling up Allagash Stream to Allagash Lake. After a day exploring and fishing, we’ll retrace our path down Allagash Stream, then continue on down the waterway, eventually making it to Allagash Village.

If you’re interested in checking out the route, you can check out the downloadable Google Earth .kmz files on our Maps page.

If you’re interested in a month on the river and living free in the northwoods of Maine and you have some experience in a canoe, we still have one spot left.

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  • Sam Horine

    Your map page is just a bunch of symbols

  • The files are Google Earth .kmz files, and as such require that you have Google Earth installed to view. To view them, first right click on them and “save link as” to save it to your computer. Once it’s there, you can click on it and it will open in Google Earth. If you just click on them they come up as a bunch of symbols.

  • Greg Averill

    Trip route looks great!! Wish I could join you!

  • BFish

    The mighty Dog Star has veered off from his hunt, to shine kindly upon us on our travels.

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