Winter Bushcraft Gear And Know-How | JMBP-E028

Winter bushcraft gear and the knowledge to make it work is the topic for episode 28 of the Jack Mountain Bushcraft podcast. Ed Butler, Christopher Russell and I discuss sleeping bags, pads, dressing in layers, and how to carry heavy wool clothing. We also discuss the difference between Merino wool and Dan Marino wool, amongst other things.

Recorded at Ed’s place in November of 2017.


PHOTO: Crossing a lake on the Boreal Snowshoe Expedition.

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  • Great show once again! I sent this link to my winter camping students as it helps to reinforce what they’ve learned this semester. The trip is next month so this was perfect timing. Always fun to listen in!

  • Michael Zlab

    You guys are a little nutty.. But fun is okay… As far as wool goes… There is no Dan Merino wool… Here is a short exerpt about Merino Wool….Merino Wool is a type of material that comes from the Merino Sheep and is renowned for its exceptional properties. Among these properties are its fantastic softness, shine and breathability. The fibres of Merino wool are softer, finer and more sensitive than many other fabrics. Common wool types are warm, durable, water repellent and naturally insulating, when adding the additional exceptional qualities of the Merino sheep you have the recipe for a world leading wool. This high quality has made it not only made Merino wool highly praised but also highly sought after.

  • Michael Zlab

    Merino Wool is a type of material that comes from the Merino Sheep and is renowned for its exceptional properties. Among these properties are its fantastic softness, shine and breathability. The fibres of Merino wool are softer, finer and more sensitive than many other fabrics. Common wool types are warm, durable, water repellent and naturally insulating, when adding the additional exceptional qualities of the Merino sheep you have the recipe for a world leading wool. This high quality has made it not only made Merino wool highly praised but also highly sought after.

  • Ironically the area we recored this episode in NH has stone walls through the woods because back in the day it was Merino sheep country. I have a hard time believing there is no Dan Marino wool. I’ll have to give him a call to confirm. Thanks for listening.
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