December 2008

Our 2009 calendar is complete and you can view it here.  I’m putting it all on Google Calendar, and have it embedded at the bottom of the page.  We’ve got a bunch of new programs, including a week of making pack baskets, bows and canoe paddles along with staying in a nearby resort.  We’ve also [...]

I just finished reading Tom Jamrog’s blog post reviewing the Snow Walkers Rendezvous in November.  He’s got several videos in the post, including the tour of the tents and part one of Allan Brown’s torching of a canvas tent.  It’s definitely worth the read.  If it’s difficult for you to get to Vermont in November, [...]

I’ve got the updated details on the 2009 yearlong (7 months to be specific) immersion program online. The price has come way down and there is a discount for bringing your own canoe.  We’re accepting applications until April 1st and will only take ten people.  Full details are available at

We put up a blog for the participants of our semester programs last spring, and a big part of a spring logbook was recently posted. So if you want to find out more of what goes on in our programs, you can check it out at The Bushcraft Experience.

Below is the 21-point curriculum for our spring, 2009 Bushcraft Canoe Expedition Semester. Wilderness Survival – Basic, intermediate and advanced survival. Fire – Fire making with and without modern tools. Shelter Construction – Building for survival, short-term and long-term stays. Water – Acquisition And Purification. Navigation – Barehand (using no modern tools), map and compass. [...]

We’re redesigning our spring semester for 2009. The new format will be a 6-week program with most of the time spent traveling through the bush of northern Maine. There are 5 phases to the program, each of which can be taken as an individual course. Phase 1: Weeklong bushcraft and guide training immersion course. Phase [...]

We use steel axes and knives on a daily basis in our programs, and I’ve been asked several times how this meshes with the primitive skills movement.  My answer has two parts.  First, I believe that in order to progress to the skill level where a tool such as an axe or knife is no [...]
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Typos, Etc.
Anything that appears to be an error in spelling or grammar is actually the author’s clever use of the vernacular, and as such is not an error, but rather a carefully placed literary device demonstrating prodigious artistic prowess.

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