April 2014

This weekend we begin our 26th semester program. Today I’m packing up the truck and canoe trailer. Tonight I’ll be watching my kids perform in a play, and tomorrow I’ll be heading to the field school. It will be a challenging beginning to the course because the dirt road in from the pavement is still [...]

Our summer calendar for 2014 is much different than in years past due to moving the 4-week Wilderness Canoe Expedition Semester from May to July-August. Because of this move, I’ll be out on the river during the period we usually run several week-long summer programs. As a result, the summer programs have been scaled back. [...]

Online Store Fail

For a year in the mid-2000’s we ran a small online store. It was never our desire to make the Cabela’s brothers nervous, but selling a few items that were of use to our students seemed like a good idea at the time. It worked out well, but there was one issue that made us [...]

This is the winter that won’t give up.  Although the weather has warmed in the past week, we’re still under its thumb.  There’s an ice storm forecast for tonight, with freezing rain continuing until mid-morning on Saturday.  Because of this I’m cancelling the Bushcraft Fundamentals class scheduled for tomorrow. If you haven’t already gotten a [...]

Right after I finished high school I played in a summer hockey league at Hockey Town, USA on Route 1 north of Boston. If you’re familiar with the area, it’s in Saugus just down the hill from the Hilltop Steakhouse’s giant cactus. On my team, the Cossacks, there was only one other guy my age, [...]

We’ve got two last-minute open spots for the Wilderness Bushcraft Semester starting April 20th and running through June 21st. After repeated unsuccessful attempts to contact a person who had registered for the upcoming semester, and someone dropping out of the course, I’ve opened those spots up. So although we’ve been full for several months, if [...]

Royalex, the tough and forgiving plastic material that has become a standard with canoe manufacturers everywhere, is no more. They stopped making it a year ago, and the canoes for sale now are the final ones that will be available. There will be Royalex boats available used for the foreseeable future because it’s so tough [...]

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