In the guide shack, listening to the rain on the roof, reading a book by headlamp about a downeast fishing guide. Day two of the spring semester done. Looking forward to the end of the snow and the road opening up. All good so far. ? View this post on Google+
April 2014
In between scrubbing buckets and going to the dump today, I learned I was famous and have a NY Times filmography page. Now I need to get some of those star-shaped sunglasses.? Embedded Link Tim Smith – Filmography – Movies & TV – View this post on Google+ taken during the School Of The Forest.#jmblog? View this post on Google+

This weekend we begin our 26th semester program. Today I’m packing up the truck and canoe trailer. Tonight I’ll be watching my kids perform in a play, and tomorrow I’ll be heading to the field school. It will be a challenging beginning to the course because the dirt road in from the pavement is still [...]
This is about 5 years old, shot at the field school. The area where we're cutting trees is now all a field.? View this post on Google+

Also some new snow and ice. Spring is coming.? View this post on Google+

Get a sneak peak at View this post on Google+
Just bought a round for the bar #unionhockey? View this post on Google+

The next workshop in the Self Reliance Workshop Series is on lighting fires using a bow drill. It takes place May 14th in Ossipee, New Hampshire. You can sign up or get more information on the GALA website.
May 14th, Ossipee, NH. Friction fire workshop, part of our ongoing self reliance workshop series. View this post on Google+

Fly Fishing Workshop Tonight. I'm packing up my gear and headed out to our fly fishing workshop in an hour. It's part of our monthly self reliance workshop series we're running with GALA. We'll be going over gear, knots, casting and as much about fish habits and bugs as time will allow. These workshops are [...]

I’m packing up my gear and headed out to our fly fishing workshop in an hour. It’s part of our monthly self reliance workshop series we’re running with GALA. We’ll be going over gear, knots, casting and as much about fish habits and bugs as time will allow. So far this workshop series has been [...] View this post on Google+
Can't wait to read Randy Spencer's new book. A fantastic writer, I loved his first book, all about guiding in Grand Lake Stream, Maine.? Wide and Deep: Tales and Recollections from a Master Maine Fishing Guide: Randy Spencer: 9781628736397: Books Wide and Deep: Tales and Recollections from a Master Maine Fishing Guide [Randy Spencer] [...]

Our summer calendar for 2014 is much different than in years past due to moving the 4-week Wilderness Canoe Expedition Semester from May to July-August. Because of this move, I’ll be out on the river during the period we usually run several week-long summer programs. As a result, the summer programs have been scaled back. [...]

Online Store Fail. Hats will start shipping today. My apologies for taking so long. View this post on Google+

Wolfeboro bay and town docks on March 28th, from the Upper Deck bar. I stepped out onto the patio during a break in the NCAA hockey tournament.? View this post on Google+

For a year in the mid-2000’s we ran a small online store. It was never our desire to make the Cabela’s brothers nervous, but selling a few items that were of use to our students seemed like a good idea at the time. It worked out well, but there was one issue that made us [...]
Expedition travel insurance. Great post with a list of resources to check for quotes.? Expedition Travel Insurance Expedition travel insurance is a topic about which I have been receiving a lot of emails recently. People struggling to get cover for trips of a long duration, particularly cycling tours, but also … View this post on [...]

First sign of open water? View this post on Google+

This is the winter that won’t give up. Although the weather has warmed in the past week, we’re still under its thumb. There’s an ice storm forecast for tonight, with freezing rain continuing until mid-morning on Saturday. Because of this I’m cancelling the Bushcraft Fundamentals class scheduled for tomorrow. If you haven’t already gotten a [...]
#jmblog? My Greatest Hockey Shift Ever. On Paper. Right after I finished high school I played in a summer hockey league at Hockey Town, USA on Route 1 north of Boston. If you’re familiar with the area, it’ View this post on Google+

Right after I finished high school I played in a summer hockey league at Hockey Town, USA on Route 1 north of Boston. If you’re familiar with the area, it’s in Saugus just down the hill from the Hilltop Steakhouse’s giant cactus. On my team, the Cossacks, there was only one other guy my age, [...]

We’ve got two last-minute open spots for the Wilderness Bushcraft Semester starting April 20th and running through June 21st. After repeated unsuccessful attempts to contact a person who had registered for the upcoming semester, and someone dropping out of the course, I’ve opened those spots up. So although we’ve been full for several months, if [...]
We're expanding our canoe fleet to 12 boats this spring, adding new 16 and 18-foot Prospectors from Nova Craft. #jmblog #canoe? Expanding Our Canoe Fleet The Jack Mountain Bushcraft School is expanding its canoe fleet to 12 boats this spring, adding new 16 and 18 foot Prospectors from Nova Craft Canoe. View this post on Google+

Royalex, the tough and forgiving plastic material that has become a standard with canoe manufacturers everywhere, is no more. They stopped making it a year ago, and the canoes for sale now are the final ones that will be available. There will be Royalex boats available used for the foreseeable future because it’s so tough [...]