June 2023

Packing up on a gravel bar

I’ve guided a lot of trips over the years, and some stand out in my mind, often because everything didn’t go as planned. Like the one in this picture. It was the second week of June, 2018, and a small group of friends and I were on the Gaspé peninsula in Quebec, coming down the [...]

June Days Start Early

A dog and his girl looking across the lake at the mountain.

This time of the year days are long here. First light this morning was at 4:01 am, and last light is at 9:10 pm. That is a great thing, because there is a lot of stuff to get done. We’re starting week 3 of the Wilderness Bushcraft Semester (session 1) today, and have a full [...]

Traditional gear for a life in the boreal forest in winter.

In the photo is my kit for snowshoe expeditions and winter camping excursions in northern Maine and further north. Starting in the bottom right is my axe, a 3.25 lb. head on a 30″ handle. Moving clockwise to the left is my 3-strake toboggan for hauling everything. I made this one a while back out [...]

Forty below zero is where the F and C temperature scales cross. And it is wicked cold.

It has been a cold and wet start to June in northern Maine. To keep things in perspective I will occasionally look at this picture from a few winters ago when the thermometer in my truck registered negative forty degrees below zero. This is the spot where the F (freedom) and C (Canadian) scales cross.

The Merry Men Of Maine

Huddling by the cook fire

“These legends and these men are true and alive, and are known throughout the big woods north of Katahdin. They are men of the forest, and they smell of woodsmoke, fly dope, hard work, tall mountains and pine spills. Given a junk of salt pork, some dry beans and flour, any of these men can [...]

Open Fire Cooking

Recorded on June 3rd, 2023 at the headquarters of Full Tang Outfitters in Tracy, New Brunswick, Canada. Tim and returning guest Blake Towsley discuss scheming for winter trips, dishonesty in marketing knives from people who have been on the tv show “Solo, By Myself, Without Clothes”, and the currently trending topic of Wild Pooping, or [...]

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