Bending crooked knife blades in camp today. Photo by Paul Sveum.

Bending crooked knife blades in camp today. Photo by Paul Sveum.
New addition to the field school: weight lifting/pull-up station. Made from lumber.
Dutch oven lunch, then canoe poling class on a perfect August day.
Week 1, Wilderness Bushcraft Semester, everyone makes their own rope.
Paul harvesting overhead cherries using a Blickey Stick. There's a mountain of ripe wild food around here right now.
Using axes in the woods. Wilderness Bushcraft Semester, fall 2015, day 2.
Maine Wilderness Guides Organization life member certificate finally arrived. Its official.
Talking axes on day 1 of our 32nd long term program. Great start to the course. Photo by Paul Sveum.
Paddling in the North Maine Woods. This is what freedom looks like.
Moose and calf on the Allagash. Summer is just about over. Our 32nd immersion course starts this weekend.
Lining Long Lake dam wearing really short shorts.
Best view in NH? On Rattlesnake Island on lake Winnepesaukee with an old friend. Perfect evening.
Watching and listening to a thunderstorm approach. A grand spectacle. Thunder rumbling from horizon to horizon.
Paddling at the headwaters of the Aroostook. From this spring.
Little Allagash Falls. Allagash stream below the falls has a few rapids and several ledge drops, and we ran them all.
After the Ice Caves, enjoying the current in the pools above the larger drop at Little Allagash Falls. This is roughly halfway between Allagash Lake and Chamberlain Lake.
Exploring the Ice Caves at Allagash Lake on our recent trip. A few of the guys got 100 yards in. These are pretty remote, no roads anywhere near them, but one one of the old canoe routes.
Just upstream of Stair Falls on the upper East Branch of the Penobscot. Over the three miles downstream from here the river drops over four named falls and a series of rapids. The mountain scenery on this trip is the best in Maine.
Gravel Beach on Chamberlain Lake, Allagash Wilderness Waterway. We spent a day windbound here on our recent trip.
Allagash Falls – boyband album cover, 2 of 2. Displaying their more playful side.
Allagash Falls – boyband album cover photo. This is 1 of 2 and shows their sensitive side.
Congratulatins to Maine's newest registered guide, Thomas Letchworth!
Chamberlain Lake Cairns. Someone had built these two cairns on the shore of Chamberlain lake, and I got in touch with my inner artist at sundown for this shot. I thought it looked interesting.
Just before sunrise on Webster Lake on our second trip of the Wilderness Canoe Expedition Semester. A stunning corner of Baxter State Park.
Hardest part of any long-term program is saying goodbye at the end. You become family. It's the worst for me. #team
Back from the river. EPIC trip. Hate whats coming next. Allready miss these guys.