Coal burning a burl to make a wooden bowl. The slow way to make a container.

Coal burning a burl to make a wooden bowl. The slow way to make a container.
Bending crooked knives, heated in a small rocket stove. No forge, simple knife making.
Cutting the bevel on a crooked knife in progress. Making simple knives during week 2 of the WB semester.
The 2015 Woodsman course is full and registration is closed. We’ve received numerous inquiries, so we’re opening another week long course in August. There’s been a two year gap since we’ve ran the Bushman Course, a primitive skills and primitive survival intensive, but we’ve got it on the calendar for August 8-15. If you’re looking [...]
Bow drill fire lighting this morning. Newly-carved sets and challenging cold and damp conditions.
Great weekend in New Brunswick with my old friend Jeff Butler from Northwoods Survival. Good talks. Inspiring.
Field school rocket stoves. Snow is melting in open spots. Still deep in the bush, but not for long.
Open fire lunch on the snow. Bannock, soup, coffee and tea.
Our 30th bushcraft semester course begins today. And yes, there's a story behind this photo.
Ice is going out on the Aroostook. 7 foot snow drifts on the road. We'll be walking in for a while.
Canoe, Pack Basket, Axe. Traditional Maine Guide tools.
Dome Thatched With Fir Boughs. Built a few years back during a fall semester.
Wall Tents At The Field School. One week until the spring semester begins, getting excited.
Morning Paddle. These days will be here soon. Ice is melting!
Snow is melting and I'm thinking dangerous thoughts. Is this the year we canoe the Mosie river?
Breakfast In Camp. Eggs and sourdough biscuits.
End Of The Carry. End of the carry around Munsungun Falls in the north Maine woods.
Canoe Tarp Shelter. Traditional gear on a north Maine woods river trip.
Twenty Footer Rigged To Carry. Paddles lashed in to help distribute the weight of the boat when it's on my shoulders.
Morning Paddle. Mist and bright sunshine.
Mist and bright sunlight at Round Pond on the Allagash.
After lots of discussion and staring at maps, we’ve decided on the route for this summer’s 4-week Wilderness Canoe Expedition Semester. We’ll be running the Allagash from Chamberlain bridge to Allagash Village. Then we’ll rest and resupply at the field school for 2 days before hiking with minimal gear in Baxter state park for four [...]
Beautiful lines of a 20' wood canvas canoe.