Join Tim and instructor Tom Belluscio as they discuss how Jack Mountain got it’s name (the Jack Mountain origin story) and the summer, 2015 Teen Bushcraft And Wilderness Canoe Expedition. Recorded in the truck on the way back to the folk school after picking up three toboggan blanks and two paddle blanks. iTunes Link | [...]
Video 8 in the WCES (Wilderness Canoe Expedition Semester) series. Join us as we swim below Allagash falls and paddle the lower river. At Allagash Falls
7 gallons of Ankle Breaker apple wine done bubbling just in time for new years. Taste-testing tonight. All good.
Shopping for a new canoe paddle blank. Seeing a few beauties, a lot of chaff.
Video 7 in the WCES (Wilderness Canoe Expedition Semester) series. Join us as we paddle into Round Pond, and Tim does a walk-through of our campsite. At Round Pond
Video 6 in the WCES (Wilderness Canoe Expedition Semester) series. Join us as we line canoes down Long Lake dam, an old logging dam. It’s unsafe to run because of metal spikes that move each year when the ice goes out, so we tie up lining bridles and line it, or lower canoes over the [...]
Video 5 in the WCES (Wilderness Canoe Expedition Semester) series. Join us as we pole Chase Rapids, the most challenging water on the Allagash. Poling Chase Rapids
Video 4 in the WCES (Wilderness Canoe Expedition Semester) series. Join the guys out on Eagle Lake looking for fish. Looking For Fish
Video 3 in the WCES (Wilderness Canoe Expedition Semester) series, shot during the aftermath of the big storm. Also some introductions a few days later on a beautiful day with views of the mountains. After The Storm And Introductions
Shot on the first day of our 2014 Wilderness Canoe Expedition Semester, on the Allagash Wilderness Waterway at Chamberlain Lake. We spent the afternoon paddling with a tailwind and were right on the tail end of a big storm system. Storm On Chamberlain Lake
Last summer, during the Wilderness Canoe Expedition Semester, we shot a lot of video. It’s taken some time, but now we’re ready to post that video. Instead of spending a lot of time editing it into a long video no one will watch, I’m going to post it as a series of short clips. I [...]
There is a surging trend for people to get their names on things. Lots of guys have their signature knife or other piece of gear. Others are trying to attach their name to certain techniques. I saw in a video a while back a guy had named a method for determining where the top of [...]
Tim Smith
Dec 22, 2014
I have a question and need some education, so I’m looking for input. What are the ethics of posting digitized versions of old books online? Is there an ethical difference between a book that is still under copyright, but is impossible to find, as opposed to a book where the copyright has run out? I [...]
Stunning twilight on the pond. Still and beautiful. Ice still not in. Short but beautiful days.
It's important to remember that the things done on Dude You're Screwed are done to win a game. In a real survival situation, don't take chances. For more info on actual survival situations, check out this podcast: Principles Of Wilderness Survival Podcast | JMB Podcast 03 Learn the principles of wilderness survival without the hype. [...]
The final episode of season 2 from Dude You're Screwed featuring yours truly. It was a lot of fun to make.
While he’ll never hear me say it, Paul Sveum is a wealth of knowledge and a great instructor. Our friend Derek Faria from The Woodsman School shot and edited this video of Paul teaching a bannock 101 class at the Snow Walker’s Rendezvous. Solid information from a man who has made a lot of bannock [...]
Babbling brook we encountered on our tracking hike. Beautiful clear water.
Lucky Dog and I had a great afternoon in the woods tracking yesterday. I shot a bunch of pictures, but only a few turned out well. We found tracks of deer, turkey (foot and wing), grey squirrel, snowshoe hare and fisher. The snow conditions were perfect for tracking; a layer of crusty snow covered with [...]
The second podcast from the 2014 Boreal Snowshoe Expedition, recorded on our last night of the trip. Listen as participants reflect on the two weeks and what they’ve learned, have a few laughs and discuss their favorite bannock of the trip. iTunes Link | Play, Download Or Subscribe In iTunes Stitcher Link | Play, Download [...]
Recorded in the warmth of a tent on a bitter cold night during the 2014 Boreal Snowshoe Expedition, join us as we discuss the trip and the biggest lessons learned while on it. We recorded part 1 (this) in the middle of our 14-day snowshoe expedition. We also recorded a part 2 on our final [...]
Brook trout over the fire, sourdough biscuits in the reflector oven.
Getting excited for upcoming winter programs. Just have to make it through the holidays with sanity intact. Not a sure thing.
Rainy morning, headwaters of the Aroostook River.
Christmas play, both kids are in it. Forty minutes to showtime, kids are cool as ice, no jitters.
Went for a walk in the hills with Tom Belluscio and our dogs earlier this week, just before the storm hit. This photo shows Tom with Lake Winnipesaukee in the background. We’re fortunate to live in a beautiful place. There is also a huge variety of conservation land plots nearby. We’re going to explore many [...]
We’ve got the overview for the spring, 2015 Wilderness Bushcraft Semester, our 30th long-term course, published. We’re making some changes, mostly in the form of going back to the roots of the program and doing more traveling. Some of the changes are included below, but you can read them all on the Wilderness Bushcraft Semester [...]
Slick website? Check. Impressive-sounding resume? Check. Made up success and fraud? Check. Reputation checks should go beyond Google if you're looking to hire a guide. Former associates question claims of man behind adventure company at centre of B.C. rights complaint | National Post ‘He thinks he’s a cross between James Bond and a soldier of [...]
Ice in on the pond this morning. We'll see if it makes it through the storm tomorrow.
I spend 6-7 months per year off the grid. The rest of the time I’m at home in a modern house. Most modern houses become unlivable when external inputs such as electricity and running water stop being piped in. I’ve scratched my head for decades as to why they were designed like this, and I [...]
Ice storms, power outages, not concerned. My sawdust toilet doesn't need water or electricity. #selfrelianthome
Unsupported remote winter trips result in feeling a freedom that's hard to define, but strongly felt.
Open spots on upcoming winter and spring courses are dwindling. We’ve been adding people here and there and the result is that all upcoming programs are 60% or more full. Here are the current available spaces per upcoming program as of December 4th. Winter Woodsman: 3 Wilderness Survival Weekend Course: 4 Boreal Snowshoe Expedition: 3 [...]
Even though it doesn't benefit me and I have to shovel the stairs, I still love a snow day. No school!
Pond of clear ice makes me think pond hockey. Wish I had my skates, stick and a team right now.