Photos And Updates From The Field

Lining An Embacle

Remote trips, especially solo, aren’t safe or even possible without solid canoe skills; poling, lining, and paddling. On the Bonaventure I poled the upper section, lined ledges, and as shown here, lined through the ’embacles’ (french for log jams). As this was just a short drop inline with the current, I didn’t bother to tie [...]

Below The Ledges On The Bonaventure

Just below a series of ledges on the Bonaventure. I should have ran this one on river right, but these are the things you learn during a first trip on a river and why I like to paddle them solo before doing them with clients.


Home. Morning coffee with kids and dog. There's no greater comfort than coming home to family.  


Tentbound. This is our view as we listen to the sleet and rain fall. Glad to have a big pile of firewood.  

From our recent trip to Baxter and Debsconeag. Later afternoon sun with Mount Katahdin in the background. And the work horse of our canoe fleet, the 18' Prospector from Nova Craft Canoe. After beating up on them for 14 years, I can say with some authority it's simply an awesome boat.  


9-11. Listenened to The radio news this AM. They were reading names, they read 5, including the guy I knew who was on the plane on 9/11/01.

Chamberlain Lake Cairns

Chamberlain Lake Cairns. Someone had built these two cairns on the shore of Chamberlain lake, and I got in touch with my inner artist at sundown for this shot. I thought it looked interesting.  

New wannigan

New wannigan. Instead of just varnish, this one is first getting fiberglass cloth and West System epoxy. Super strong  

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