Photos And Updates From The Field

Two Different Sleds

Two Different Sleds. In the foreground, a 3-strake wooden toboggan. In the background, a sled with runners. They perform differently and are built for different conditions.  

Quickie Snow Shelter

Quickie Snow Shelter. Dug in 5 minutes with a snowshoe in wind-packed snow. It was well below zero degrees F, which is when snow shelters are at their best. Note the stylish, relaxed pose, making it look extra-inviting.  

New Toboggans

New Toboggans. We made a bunch of them for the trip. It really helped to spread out the load of gear and food when everyone had a ten-foot sled.  

Endless Winter

Endless Winter. It was ten below with a gusty wind when the boys decided to have a little fun and take a 'tasteful nude' photo. There was even talk of a men of Jack Mountain calendar. This photo reminds me that winter expeditions aren't just a lot of work, they're a lot of fun.  


Content. A warm stove, big pile of wood and cozy, dry tent. Living well on the trail in northern Maine.

Koolyomka Deadfall

A variation of the promontory peg that hails from Siberia and was made famous by the documentary Happy People, the Koolyomka is an interesting deadfall and a fun one to carve in camp. This was carved during downtime on the 2014 Wilderness Canoe Expedition Semester.

Winter Walk In The Hills

Went for a walk in the hills with Tom Belluscio and our dogs earlier this week, just before the storm hit.  This photo shows Tom with Lake Winnipesaukee in the background.  We’re fortunate to live in a beautiful place.  There is also a huge variety of conservation land plots nearby.  We’re going to explore many [...]

Slick website? Check

Slick website? Check. Impressive-sounding resume? Check. Made up success and fraud? Check. Reputation checks should go beyond Google if you're looking to hire a guide. Former associates question claims of man behind adventure company at centre of B.C. rights complaint | National Post ‘He thinks he’s a cross between James Bond and a soldier of [...]

Surviving Cold Water Immersion. Great resource by the Northern Forest Canoe Trail on the facts around what cold water immersion does to the body.

Neat article on how constellations change over time. We're not seeing the same constellations as our ancestors. The Constellations Won’t Always Look That Way Over time, stars change their position in the sky. A new app shows you how the patterns we recognize today have shifted.

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